Sunday, 13 March 2011


Damn, damn, damn and blast.

I totally jinxed myself, I knew it!

Had a fab night out on Friday night, was home by 10:45pm, to a much needed supper of cheese on toast, thoughtfully prepared by the OH.

I was a bit widdly.

I'd only had 1 large glass of rose, and 3 double vodkas and coke.

I'd used to have had that for breakfast 2 years ago :S

So we went to bed about half 11, I fell asleep at 12.

T stirred at 2:30am, but the OH advised me to hang fire before I ran to him as he usually stirred at that time.

Couldn't get back to sleep then, started stressing about work and going back/them not paying me.

Half 3, T started squawking again, so I hung fire, got told off by OH, so went through, hopefully just to calm T who'd would have rolled onto his back.

Indeed he was, so I rolled him onto his tummy, and his big blues started drifting closed.

Brill, back to bed, switched monitor back on, head hit pillow, T started crying.

Back up, fed him, T not used to being fed at that time, did mega throw up.

Cuddles and calming, got him back in cot. He snuggled down, Back to bed for me. Switch monitor on, 5 minutes peace before he started again.

Dashed back through he was still on his tummy, he was just have a scream, so got him out, sat in rocking chair with him, rocked, tipsily singing 'why are you waking mummy up, when she's been out on the drink (to the tune of rock a bye baby)

Eventually got to sleep at about 4:45am, and got up at 8:10am.

I was exhauuuuusssted all day yesterday.

Then not such a dissimilar story for last night.

 Woke up at half 2/3 ish fed him, came back to bed and laid listening to him having a full on lecture at Monkey, Elephant and Blue Nose Bear. Blue Nose Bear got into trouble as after some commotion I went in to find T bashing Blue Nose Bear against the side of the cot whilst shouting loudly at Elephant and Monkey as if to say 'This is what will happen to you if you do not obey me'!

Why has he started randomly waking up again?!

Answers on a postcard please!

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