Saturday, 1 February 2014

February 1st

I've been quiet recently. I've had a lot going on. T and I have been poorly and although we're almost fully recovered I'm having some other issues, which I'm going to ramble about!

I've blogged before about panic attacks I've had before doing new things. They're to be expected in a way.

When I started my role as a volunteer in the school I was surprisingly fine. 

Then after the Christmas break things started to go a bit down hill. So my first Monday back I was violently sick once as we were getting ready for school, my other end was threatening action. I was due into school but decided I'd just take T to nursery (at the same school) and come home again. I popped some Imodium and set off. By the time I got to school I felt fine, decided to risk my 3 hours. For the rest of the day I was fine.
Tuesday morning, dodgy tummy, again threatening other end action. Same action plan again, same outcome. I was fine. Wednesday came, (I do 3 hours on a Monday and Tuesday morning) I was fine. Fine the rest of the week. Monday morning, dodgy bum, Tuesday morning dodgy bum! 

After the third week of this happening I decided I must be stressed about going to school placement. But I'm not. I don't stay awake all night tossing and turning and thinking of reasons not to go, I adore it! 

With my cold I've had this week I've had weird tingling and tightenings in my left cheek. The first time it tightened it felt like the side of my mouth was going drop so I panicked about a stroke. The feeling went within seconds and I was fine. Since then my face has been tightening and tingling all the live long day. Starting about an hour after I get up getting steadily stronger and stronger until I go to bed. It doesn't hurt, well only every now and then. Just feels like my face is itchy/pins and needley. Mostly along my left cheekbone, hops across to my lips as nose quite often and sometimes as far up  as my eye. I've had tingly teeth, they've been a bit sensitive, but no problems eating or drinking. 

I went to the Drs yesterday and she gave me a week of antibiotics. She was giving me them for a sinus infection, but if it wasn't better in the week I needed to go back and see her as it could be a problem with a nerve. 

So I hit google when I got home (don't judge me you've done it!)

I've either got a brain tumour, cancer, TMJ or anxiety. 

So let's focus on the sensible 2; TMJ and anxiety. I have hypermobility and TMJ goes hand in hand with that. Also my dodgy bum seems to tell me I have anxiety. 

So my POA (plan of action) is:

1) Go to see a Biomechanics specialist. My hypermobility has been recognised but I've not had a full body assessment. Just the physio pointing out week on week when he finds something new. 

2) Book in the dentists on an off chance that it's tooth related. 

3) Try to find out what's causing my anxiety. This is the hardest. I don't feel mentally stressed or anxious about anything so why is my body potentially tell me otherwise?!

4) Hopefully the antibiotics work and it was just a sinus infection. Even so, steps 1,2 and 3 need to be followed!

So really I'm just sounding this all out so I can stop running it all over in my head. But if anyone has experiences of face tingling, tightness, TMJ, anxiety, how to find out what's stressing you when you're not stressed, or can just give me a cuddle that would be marvellous, ta.


  1. Oh you poor thing, I hope you feel better soon. I'm sorry I have no experience of these conditions so can't give you any advice.

    1. It was a long shot, but hey! Thanks for reading :)

  2. wishing you all the best! surely not knowing whats the matter could even cause more stress and anxiety! i hope you get some definite answers for it soon

    1. Yes my stress exactly! I should have all my appointments made tomorrow so hopefully one step further forward!

  3. Oh how worrying - I'm sure it's nothing too scary. How are you now?

    1. Still tingly. Found that if I rub a muscle in my neck it make my face worse though! So maybe just too much tension in my neck!

  4. Wish you well...Dr. Google has a lot to answer for :( Hope you get answers soon xx

    1. Lol Dr Google is what you make of it. No matter what symptoms you google you're always going to have cancer! It's sorting out the 'hopefully' unlikely from the more likely!

  5. :( hope you feel better soon. One tip, don't Google unless you have a diagnosis as Google is like the pessimistic side of your brain talking to you!

    1. I can override that part. I just like to work out likely cause so in this case the TMJ and anxiety and work on both of them to see if I have any results from either so I don't waste Drs appointments. Or else I would have diagnosed myself as 'on the verge of death' quite a while ago! lol

  6. Woot - hello fellow EDS HMS type buddy. Ok, maybe not something that we'd either choose to have, but it is good to know others in the same boat as yourself. Hope the anxiety subsides and you start to feel better soon x

  7. Cheers lovely. Just want to stop scratching my face! I can cope with aches and pains, but tingling is weird! Xx

  8. Aw bless you lovely - I hope you're sorted soon. Take care x x

  9. aww I hope you feel better soon, lots of support here for you x

  10. I hope it's nothing too serious, but you sound like you have a very sensible head and a good plan of action.

  11. Sounds like you've been having a rough time. Hope you get it sorted soon.

  12. I wish I could help somehow... sending you some comforting hugs... I hope you will feel more yourself soon

  13. Do hope you feel better soon. Sending a huge big hug xx

  14. *raises hand* dodgy bum, tingling and panic attacks plague me at times also. When I meet new people, go someplace new ect. It's so annoying. I just tell myself now it'll happen, and to just ride it out until it goes away. A lot harder to do than say...... GOOD LUCK

  15. Glad you have a plan of action and I hope that you get to the bottom of it all. I've done that with Google many a time and then wished I hadn't x

  16. Very sensible plan of action - I hope you get to the bottom of everything. xx

  17. Good luck with the plan of action and hopefully it all gets sorted soon x
