Wednesday, 10 April 2013

My Weight Loss So Far (Sorry if you sick in your mouth a bit!)

A small bit of my weight loss history:

I met my gorgeous Hubby in April 2009, I weighed around 14 stone 13. I fell pregnant, and on the day I went into labour, I was 14 stone 13. After I gave birth I dropped to 12 stone 11 at my lowest, but once I got around to remembering to eat and stopped breast feeding, I settled at 13 stone. I stayed around there until towards the end of 2012 when my weight crept up to 13 stone 8.

So my regular blog readers will remember that I vowed to become sexy (in my eyes) by the time I was 30 (in August 2013) One of my goals was to lose a stone and get down to 12 and 1/2 stone.

I didn't think I ate too badly, so I concentrated on upping my exercise, so that I was doing WiiFit or Wii Zumba every day, and my 2 - 4 hours of badminton.

By the end of January I wasn't so sure that it had worked, then after going to my best friends 30th on January 29th and seeing the following photo I knew it wasn't working.

I look huge in this, doesn't help having the picture taken with the gorgeous Amanda!

So I knew that a lot of my friends had started, and were having a lot of luck with Slimming World and I decided that I would pay the small fortune it cost, I would sign up for 3 months and see how it went.

When reading through and trying to understand Slimming World it didn't make any sense, it was mostly just eating what I wanted. So I started on Feb 4th. 2 days in, my diet didn't feel like it had changed that much and I just wanted a pig out day. I decided to hop on the scales and vowed if I'd lost even a pound I would behave myself because maybe the diet was working. I hopped on, I'd lost 4! IN 2 DAYS!

That motivated me more than anything, I went on to lose 8 pounds in my first week!

To this day I don't understand how I'm losing weight with what I'm eating, but the important thing is I am. I hit my 12 and a half stone target on Mar 14th, that's what, 6 weeks?! I was over the moon.

I've reset my target now to 12 stone and then I'm just going to maintain. I've relaxed it a bit since I hit my target as I'm happy to maintain that and I have. The thing I LOVE about Slimming World is that I can have a day off (Usually my weigh in day) because I know as soon as I'm back on the diet I'll lose it again.

My usual day consists of eating:

Breakfast; Scrambled eggs (nothing added in) and 2 slices of grilled bacon with the fat removed and a cup of coffee (1 syn for sugar in coffee).

Lunch: 1 slice of wholemeal bread, with margarine on (1 syn), a slice of cheese, 2 slices of wafer thin ham and some cucumber. With fruit or a muller light yoghurt for something sweet.

Tea: My own version of spag bol (sauce made of pasatta, mushrooms, garlic, onions and mixed herbs) or gammon (fat cut off) egg (fried in Fry Light) and chips (Slimming world chips, easy to make and are YUMMY!)

So I'm not eating like a rabbit, so of all of the above, I get up to 15 syns a day to use and I've used 2 in the above menu! So I can have a little bit of chocolate or a pack of crisps and stay within my allowance, or save them all up for weigh day and hope they cover my takeaway!)

I went out last weekend and bought myself a whole new wardrobe. In January I was a comfortable 16, I'm now on the verge of being a comfortable size 12 which I never dreamed possible!

I used to hide in baggy hoodies and jeans, My wardrobe now has fitted tops and jeggings in, which I'm living in all the time because for the first time in soooooooo many years I actually enjoy how I look!

So here's the nitty gritty (Those of a nervous disposition look away now!) The underwear pics!

Jan: 13 stone 8
Feb: 13 stone 5
Mar; 12 stone 9
Apr: 12 stone 5

I've lost approximately 2 inches each from my bust, weight and hips!

If you're still with me and aren't spewing over the arm of your chair (I will not be held liable for vomit damaged laptops/ipads/mobiles!) I've written this blog for 2 reasons, one to show those of you who think diets don't work like I didn't, that this one does! It is a lot of money, but it has been worth every penny, I don't intend to stay a member after the 3 months is up as I know the diet well enough now, and 2 to join in with #wobbleswednesday which I believe is run by @kateonthinice on Twitter, to possibly motivate others and to keep myself motivated!
Thanks for reading :)


  1. You are fucking awesome!

    You are rocking the weight loss and look gorgeous, well done xx

  2. Amazing and so inspirational for those of us who still have a long way to go.
    You did not look huge in the first pic by the way - dodgy camera angle I reckon.
    The April shots are amazing and you can see such a waist.
    You must be over the moon. Hope to be somewhere near where you are towards the end of the year or later.
    Would love you to join in #WobblesWednesday on Twitter and on your blog too when you want to

    1. Thank you for your comment. It's weird but I don't feel any different apart from I can wear better clothes. Not sure what it will take to make me see how I look but I'm happy!

  3. your doing such an amazing job!! well done :-) xx

  4. Wow. I was brave enough to do the "before" picture of me in undies when I started my weight loss journey. Lost 11lbs so far, and still don't see much of a change (or feel brave enough) to do an update. But then, unlike you, I've still got about 3 stones left to lose.
    Would love to have an "after" pic to be proud of though.

    1. Thank you, I don't feel much different, but the monthly pics help me see the changes. As do all the lovely comments :) xx
