Thursday, 22 September 2011

Mummy Worry

I think T's either learned how to play me or is coming down with something.

He was unwell about 6 weeks ago...first signs? He just wanted to cuddle.

My son does not do cuddles, not when there are a million, billion, trillion more exciting things in the world.

He wanted to cuddle morning noon and night for about 3 days.

I had him down the doctors within about 5 hours of this. He wasn't hot, he wasn't crying, he was just quiet and cuddly. Turned out the poor boy had swollen tonsils and a bit of a chest infection, what a trooper.

This morning, he started doing the same, he just cuddled, cried if I put him down, then just snuggled right into me when I picked him up.

But then he perked back up after a few hours and was fine for the rest of the day.

When I'd initially taken him to the Drs I felt like a bit of a fraud, after all his symptoms were he's quiet and wants cuddles. Not the worse scenario in the world!

But as the Dr reassuringly said to me "only you know your baby, so regardless of his symptoms only you know if something's wrong, you did the right thing in bringing him here"

What wondeful advice!

So I'm hoping that he's back to normal tomorrow and just fancied a snuggly day today!

As for me, I've had a productive housewifey day, but not a good mentally stimulating day. I'm hoping to get some T free hours tomorrow to go and try and buy me some yummy mummy clothes with a friend tomorrow.

Fingers crossed!

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