Sunday, 4 March 2012

March so far!

Well first and foremost I must point out I seem to have accidently dyed my hair black.....ewps!

The red was fading and growing out so I thought I'd do my usual trick of dying my hair dark brown to  get me through till my next hair cut (April 17th) when I'm booked in for Jennifer Aniston hair!

However that means I'm looking like a goth for the next 6 weeks....bugger.

Haven't been blogging on here as much as I ought to have been, have been struggling for time to blog and am supposed to be blogging on once a week so it's been hard enough to keep up with that!

I've decided that this year is about me, finding me again, and it's going well so far. Went out for a 'proper' night out on Friday....dressed up in a Burlesque costume:

but as T's been rather unwell all week we had a curfew of half 10, which did me nicely, think I was done by half 9! But did me good to drag myself out, put on a bit of slap and get talking to some new people, as I've been explaining to everyone recently I've lost the art of chatting shit in a pub, I don't watch soaps, I wasn't out the other week when x happened, but ask me about T and I can waffle on for hours, which is a bit of a mare!

I keep pretending I'm going to start Zumba, I love the idea of it, it's finding the energy at 7pm or finding a babysitter to go to an earlier one, I fancy some new exciting exercise. Badminton's starting to lose its' pull on me, but then again I have been playing for 22 years now I must be near or past retirement!

Any suggestions of fun exercises at home or classes, please throw my way. I would LOVE to start street dance classes but I fear I am too old and it would be a bit uncool.

My 'keeping up appearances' deal for lent is going well. I'm making an effort on most days (Sundays don't count right?) I do have to look in the mirror and tell myself off at the beginning of the day so its not yet become a habit, but I'm sure we'll get there.

So apart from the urge to exercise I have also been taken over by a cleaning I discovered we owned a steam cleaner, for someone who loves cleaning as much as I do, it was the best toy ever.....I'd go so far as to say it was cleaning porn!!

T news, he's sort of walking, he loves having a walk but he has to be clinging onto your hand for dear life, this is a rare pic of him standing alone (in his sisters Spongebob slippers)

He joined Daddy in the garden yesterday and decided, after planting his first pea that he would scoff some mud:
Ah well boys will be boys, busy week this week with allll the birthdays (Hubby is 40, Mummy is 60!)
So I'll be fairly quiet now till the weekend methinks!

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