Well Toby and I are having a lovely time of it at the moment.
22 months next week.
He's starting to eat like a human rather than a pig, he's saying please when asking for things, without me prompting him, he's napping from 10 - 1 every day, he's started waking up at 6am, but that's the husbands problem not mine :D
We've had a busy few weeks, have started trying some new things with him, tried painting the other week which went splendidly, until it came to cleaning up....I have genuinely no idea how that's supposed to go smoothly! I ended up covered in paint whilst carrying him to the bathroom to wash his hands. Am sure I'll figure it out at some point!
As a family we've totally got into the Olympics this year, watched it every day and night, so nice that some good things are happening in our country and being in the news for a change! Toby liked track and field events especially the races, he helpfully screams 'GO GO GOOOOO, RUNNNNNIIINNNGG, RUUUUUUNNNNNNNNING' all the way through the races.
The Olympics have spurred the hubby and I to start taking a bit of care of ourselves, so the diet and exercise started 2 weeks gone Monday, I'm pleased to say I've lost 5lbs so far. My goal is the body of Jessica Ennis.....bit extreme but I'm least I'm working towards something!
Toby has started playing some cute games, his favourite at the moment is us copying him, he plays it, with a very serious face, for hours. He started playing it in a cafe yesterday, with me, my step daughter and my friend. We all played, sticking our fingers in our ears, poking our eyes, pointing and clapping, not one of us cared how silly we looked!
He's got very into his cars and trucks now, still a huge Curious George fan, am desperately trying to bring him back to the Disney Channel as a whole, there's only so much George a mother can take!
He's also into repeating a word, about 20 times, it's the worst when it rains (which as you'll all know is alllll the time at the moment!) he stands at the window shouting 'OH NOOO, RAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIINING, OH NO, RAAAAAAAIIIINING....A RABBIT (shrieked even louder)..RAAAAAINING'
His vocabulary is amazing, I can now have a 10 minute conversation on the phone with him and understand everything he says, there are still 2 words eluding me one is 'peeco' he's said this for about 6 months so it's not a new one, and he won't point it out if i ask him where it is, so have no idea what that is. The other day he asked me to draw some pictures, one of which was a 'cancan' I think it's possibly a pelican, as he tends to start the first syllabul with the first sound of the second syllabul for example 'guinguin' is penguin.
Any baby translators out there, feel free to tell me the meaning!
Went to the hospital the other week to get his potentially misaligned eye checked out. They can't see any sign of it, so it may only appear when he's tired or poorly, but they told us he has 20/20 vision and has depth perception beyond his years? Don't quite understand that one but if he's visually smart for his age then that'll do me!
I'll sign off for now with my fave pic of us from our family photoshoot last week!
He is a gorgeous little boy. I love that age, when their little personalities emerge and you have such fun talking to them.
ReplyDeleteEvery days just a new communicative adventure. He seems to pick up new words overnight! I wish I could keep him this age, he's just fabulous!! Thanks for reading :)