Sunday, 13 January 2013

Alternative Nursery Rhymes

A bit off track.

I got a call off my mum saying she'd found the nursery rhyme book that I'd written when I was (we're estimating) 10

I thought I'd share some with you all and pictures of the originals so you could see how beautifully illustrated they were!

Jack & Jill

Jack and Jill went up the hill,
There really was no reason
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Jill was hung for treason.

This Little Piggy...

This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed at home,
This little piggy had roast pork,
And the other little piggies were gone!

Mary had a Little Frog

Mary had a little frog,
His skin was green as grass
And everywhere that Mary went
The frog fell on its.....head!

Mary had a Little Lamb

Mary had a little lamb,
It was a punky thing,
It's fleece was blue as blue could be
And it had a nipple ring!

Incy Wincy Spider

Incy Wincy spider climbed up the wall,
He sneezed so hard his eyes fell our
And he began to fall
He fell and broke his leg, his leg, his leg, his leg, his leg, his leg, his leg, his leg,
Upon the kitchen floor,
When someone came into the room and
Squished him with the door!!

There are a few more but only these have the illustrations!!

What do you reckon? Next generation I nursery rhymes, will I become a billionaire??!


  1. These are brilliant! I'm loving the little hearts above the 'i's' too! Terribly funny =D

  2. I can see a career in writing ahead!
    Great rhymes :-D

  3. Thank you both :) I did the hearts above eyes for about 10 years, it was my 'quirky' thing. Lol. I love my picture of Jill being hung. Strange child I was! Xx

  4. Ha! I love the nipple ring on the lamb.It's really hard to see the CAPTCHA.I had to try four times before it accepted the right combo.It might be advisabale to take it off.

  5. A writer in the making? cute!
