Thursday, 17 April 2014


Our kids are funny sometimes aren't they?

Even when they're being naughty you can't help but laugh. Bad parenting, I know, but as long as no ones getting hurt you can laugh. (I give you permission)

Hide and seek. A game that is fun, unless it's not played correctly, then it's more fun!

T and I were playing the other day. My turn to hide so I went and hid behind the bathroom door. T went all round the house (we live in a bungalow by the way) came in the bathroom twice and didn't find me I heard calls of, where are you Mammy?' I wasn't about to give my awesome hiding place away. As a kid I used to stand in plain sight with my fingers in my ears and my eyes closed (there are photos) if I couldn't hear or see you, you couldn't hear or see me. Genius I tell you.

 So anyways, I wasn't giving my hiding place away, dammit I was actually hidden! Then T came meandering into the bathroom, looked behind the door and screamed in horror. Somewhere along his journey he had clearly forgotten I was hiding. He started sobbing, I was doubled over on the bathroom floor unable to breathe from laughing!

Today we went to a place nearby called Butterfly World. Does what it says on the tin. You walk through a flippin hot jungle with butterflies coming at you from every direction. T had been begging me to take him, he has been twice before, so off we went. Also remember Flutterby our pet butterfly, that lived with us for a week? Yeah, regardless less than 5 minutes in a huuuuuuuge butterfly (spread your fingers out on one hand, that big) had the nerve to land on Ts leg. He let out such a scream that people stopped in horror as he was clearly being savaged to death by one. I picked him up and explained that they don't have teeth or stingers, so they can't hurt him, infact butterflies like to tickle people. The butterfly then returned to Ts leg, clearly to apologise for scaring him and he roared in horror. We had to leave. £3.75 that cost me for that particular trauma! Let alone the extra £2 in the gift shop because he wanted a toy, wait for it, butterfly! Give me strength!

T has recently embraced singing. I am subjected to a performance of 'Let it Go' from Frozen approximately 40 times a day, the version with the different Disney voices in. For those who've not seen this wonder it's here, it's AMAZING:

T loves the 'it's time to see what I can, SQUIRREL' so I enjoy that! He has also picked up the one line from the Enrique/Pitbull song, I am a Freak. So constantly runs around singing 'I am a freeeee (voice goes up) aaaaaakkk' 

Today's event inspired me to blog. My OH does a lot of work in the garden when the clocks change and T has been 'helping' him. Any excuse to get covered in mud, right? Once when I was not out in the garden supervising T needed a wee. OH said that T could wee in the garden as he was all muddy and that's what busy gardeners did so they didn't track mud into the house. Couldn't argue with that. He then would wee in the garden whenever he fancied. No real harm in that, bit embarrassing when people were round. The last time we were in the garden he wee'd and then slipped in it and got all muddy and wee covered. So OH told him the garden weeing had to stop, no more weeing on the grass.
This evening, T climbed to the top of his climbing frame, dropped his pants and wee'd.....................on the dog.
 The dog wasn't aimed for he was just sadly in the wrong place at the wrong time. OH and I were bad laughing at the event, we couldn't tell him off, what? Cause he wasn't on the grass when he wee'd therefore not actually being naughty. 

We know and have informed our family that when you give T an instruction you have to tell him EXACTLY what you want or don't want him to do, cause he's a bloody smart arse! 

Go get some shoes on, translates as 'go put any shoes on' so he'll show up with mine or OHs on, same with slippers/coats/socks, you name it. 

So yes. T has gained in confidence and brains the last few weeks, it's, erm, fun?!

*Smiles tiredly*

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this, so many giggles. I'd have been laughing too if the boys screamed at me playing hide and seek x
