I blogged before about the problems I was having. I bravely decided to come off the pill to see if it eased the pain I was having with the Hypermobility. I came off it on February 19th, and within 3 weeks I was fixed. Not a diddle of pain, physio discharged me, Musculoskeletal dept discharged me, winner! Next challenge was to see how I coped with my hormones when I was due on. Wasn't sure when that would be as I'd been on the pill for so long, but on March 19th I came on, not a tear or a tantrum in sight. I CRACKED IT! Hurrraaaaaay.
Then on March 31st an *ahem* accident happened which resulted in a frantic dash to the pharmacy at 9am on April the 1st. Had a little interview with a lovely man, explained why I wasn't on the pill, explained the accident, explained that I wasn't looking to have a second kid and I got the Morning After Pill, for free. As he handed it to me he said, "it's 99% effective because you're taking it within 12 hours, however if you do still fall pregnant you must contact your GP straight away as there is a high risk of an ectopic pregnancy" in one ear and out the other really, I popped the pill (smartie, it was April fools day after all) and went merrily on my way with my shiny happy pain free life.
19th April rolled around, waited for my monthly visit, nothing. Still thought cycle might be screwed up so didn't stress at all, I had tummy pains, nausea and sore boobs, all normal in the build up to that time so I knew it was coming.
23rd April rolled around, still all the symptoms and no sign, so I was tidying my cupboards out I came across a pregnancy test. 'why not?' I thought, it'll just take that worry away for the next few days, so I sat and I pee'd, one line, phew,.....oh shit, what's that?! A SECOND LINE?! It's only really faint, I must have just pee'd on it wrong. I put it down and went for a cuppa and a ponder. Came back to it 10 minutes later and there it was, staring boldly at me, line number 2. I'm pregnant.
I rang OH straight away, and cried, he was utterly shocked, but then said "clearly this baby wants to be born" and that was that. I rang my Step Daughter who was shocked and happy, I just kept answering 'oh my god' to everything she said, similar conversation followed with my Mum.
I then looked at the clock, almost time to pick T up from the in laws for his swimming lessons. Washed my face, tried to make myself look as decidedly unpregnant as possible and went for him.
The first thing T did when I saw him was run to me, snuggle himself into me and cover me with kisses. That's when the guilt kicked in, I couldn't possibly love another child as much as I love T, how was he going to cope with having to share me with someone else. Obviously stupid pregnancy test was broken and just teaching me a lesson in making the most of time I had with T.
On the way to swimming I popped in the pharmacy, bought a bottle of water and another pregnancy test, an expensive one. Went to the loo whilst he was getting changed, pee'd on the stick, big cross, 'you're pregnant' it jubilantly shouted. Seriously? I'm actually pregnant?
So went round the rest of the day as a zombie. Curiously checked my due date, 24th December. Had to hold back tears as the guilt of potentially having to ditch T somewhere at Christmas whilst I went off to give birth to his nemesis overwhelmed me.
Anyhoo. We're 3 weeks on from that now and I'm mostly over the shock and somewhat excited. T is excited about it, as long as it's a boy, called T!
I'm 8+1 today. Dealing with sickness, by wearing travel sick bands, next to no appetite but eating cause I have to, exhausted and achy.
I'm already this big; (this is why we had to announce early, there was no covering it up anymore!)

So yeah, waiting for scan appointment to see how far/how many/when/if it's in the right place, and then I shall start to get excited properly I think.
Then all being well I shall be a pregnancy blogger :)
That is some bump you have already. Congratulations, clearly this baby wants to be here.