Monday, 27 October 2014

32 weeks

Ok I could have been organised and written posts still whilst having no internet for the last 5 weeks, but I didn't, so here's one huge mega update!

I had a hospital consultation check up thing at 26 weeks Bumpy was measuring 30cms, that was measured by two different Drs. So that was the start of that.

Along with normal ailments I have a blood disorder called Von Willebrands, only mild, but enough to be classed as high risk with T. I had to go to a certain hospital locally as they held an injection that would help me if I started to bleed out. Fortunately there were no problems and I was discharged a year after having T so didn't really think it would be an issue this time round. However it is raising a few eyebrows, so I have to get my VW factor levels checked at 34 weeks and go from there. If I am a concern then I have to get checked at a hospital 40 miles away and then potentially change my plan of which hospital I give birth in. Urgh. 
Anyhoo, 28 weeks I had my midwife check up, she measured Bumpy at 33cms, concerned with my size she referred me for a growth scan. The same week.

My brain went into meltdown!

I like to know in advance how I will deal with situations, what choices I will make. So the night before the growth scan I was desperately trying to decide whether. I would prefer to be induced or have a c-section, I couldn't choose and I was just a big stressed out mess.
My Hubby calmly kept telling me to just wait and see what was said at the scan before I started panicking. However I kept panicking all the same.

The growth scan came, and all was well, she's was measuring bang on what she should be for 28 weeks, so all my hysteria had been in vain and I was very happy with that.

I've been struggling with hip flexor pain/ round ligament pain. Kind of like sciatica but at the front, very unpleasant. But me being me, bashed on at life stubborn as a mule and refusing to admit defeat, till one day the thought of the 10 minute walk for the school run overwhelmed me and I broke down.

I asked for help, basically I can manage taking T to school, but the 3:15pm pick up is now taken care of between my parents, the Daughter and my in-laws. It's only had a week to run before half term, but I'm already feeling better. Think the problem with my hip was with the bump growing so rapidly for whatever reasons the muscles and ligaments didn't have chance to stretch gradually and just got overloaded. I feel now like they've caught up and I only struggle now if I've over done things.

Other than that I'm feeling good. Still struggling to eat, no want or desire for food unless it involves ordering it or opening a packet. Not sure what that's about, I'm making sure I eat properly 3 times a day, but some days I am actually forcing food down my neck because I know my body needs it, not because I want to eat. It's a horrid feeling.

Bumpy's all sorted now, name, nursery, clothes and accessories! Just got the bags down from the loft today to start packing them. As of the end of November I want to have everything done so I can just relax and make the most of my time before Bumpy shows up!

T helping to decorate

Rainbow themed bedroom nursery.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear you're having a tough time, pregnancy is so tough :-( love your nursery though and not too long to go now xx
