Sunday, 8 February 2015

When Babys Don't Know The Rules

I always said baby number 2 would be a challenge and I'm pleased to report I was right! 

T co slept till diagnosed with reflux at 3 weeks old, from then on we made the decision to sleep him on his front and he slept in his basket and was a happy little chappy who slept well.

E on the other hand. For the first 3 weeks she was a dream, she would sleep in it up to 4 hours at a time! Amazing for a baby so young. Then when she was 3 weeks old something changed and she wouldn't sleep in it for more than 20-30 minutes. 

So the routine from then till now really has been to take her into the room at 7pm for her bedtime feed, put her in her basket once asleep, when she woke, comfort her back to sleep, put her back. I do this up until around 11pm when I'm usually mentally and physically exhausted  and I bring her into bed with me, where the little monster sleeps for 5 hours!

I don't enjoy co sleeping. I'm frightened my giant boobs suffocate her, I'm frightened I roll on her, I'm frightened the husband elbows her in the head, so I tend not to sleep very well. 

I've tried every tip in the book, put my top on her mattress so it smelled like me, hot water bottle to make it warm when she goes into it, patting and shushing her back to sleep when she starts stirring, formula feed on a night incase she wasn't feeling full from me, more layers, less layers, light on, light off, swaddling, dummy, rolling up blankets to make her feel snuggled, buying a poddlepod, noise machine, sleeping her on her front, back, side, keeping her awake all day, letting her sleep all day...! Aside from leaving her to cry, which I really don't want to do I think I'm pretty much out of options! 

I do still try putting her down from 7pm every evening, so I've not just given in!

The only thing we've yet to try is a co sleeping crib, it's an expensive try but I honestly can't think of anything else! 

She gets popped in there for sleeps during the day, but tends to sleep for no more than 45 minutes. 

If she didn't sleep so long with me, I'd put it down to that just being her sleep cycle, but I know it's not!!

Wish I knew what changed in the 3rd week!

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