My little boy. I get so caught up blogging about Eve at the moment I forget to write about T. He's turning into such a little character he amazes me every day.
He's flying through phonics, keep in mind he's in nursery still, he's on phase 4 phonics so gets to go in with the Year 1s for their phonics lessons. The other night he read me the Gruffalo at bedtime. Just amazing!
He's still smitten with Eve, he gets excited when he hears her wake up from her nap, gives her constant cuddles and kisses, tickles her, sings to her, cleans up her sick. He's officially the best big brother ever!

He's currently discovered jokes. His favourite one is:
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Smell myp
Smell myp who?
But his understanding isn't always great
Me: Knock knock.
T: Who's there?
Me: Cows say
T: Moooooo
Me: no you have to say cows say who
T: but cows say moo mammy!

As you can see below he's also turning into somewhat of a stuntman. He loves exercising and constantly runs everywhere, does jumping, push ups, sit ups, star jumps. But he loves jumping from heights. I saw him eyeing up the distance between a bench and the ladders to his slide:
Me: noooo
Me: you'll either slip and break your leg or smash your face.
T: ok
The next night:
Husband: Ts eyeing up that jump
Me: yeah I told him not to.
The next night:
(Sees him eyeing it up)
Me: nooooo
T: why?
Me: you'll slip and break your leg or you'll smash your face
T: ok
The next night:
Husband: he's still eyeing that jump up
Me: I've told him
The next night:
Me *on phone*
T: *screams*
Me: I'll call you back
T: waaaaaahhhhsnotwaaaaaahhhhteaeawaaaaahsnot
Me: did you jump?
T: waaaaahhhyes
Me: and did you break your leg or smash your face?
T: waaaahhhiwaaaaahhhhsmashedwaaaahhhmywaaaaahface.

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