Saturday, 13 June 2015


I'm only writing this so these memories aware written down. 

A special moment from each of my kids today. The kind of moment that makes your heart melt and know that everything in your world is perfect, where you stand back, drink in the small things and know just how damn lucky you are!

T has been full on this last week, with his constant injuries and demand for role play all the time. 'You be the bad guy and I'll be the good guy, you be Wonder Woman and I'll be Robin, you be Mikey and I'll be Leo' there's only so much I can do, but I do try, just to see his face light up. However tonight as he came to give me a kiss before bed, he stood at the safety gate in the kitchen whilst I was cursing having to wash the bottles up to sterilise them (my most hated job ever!) he stands there, purses his lips then says 'giz a smooch Mammy' made me totally chuckle and I gave him an extra big smooch. 

Eve has been a fuss bag this afternoon, however she has just woken up for a feed. Eve is not a cuddly baby, whether she's in pain or happy or sad she will not cuddle. It makes me sad sometimes but T was the same and now he loves his cuddles. Eve seeks comfort in her thumb and something to hold in her other hand. She only sucks her thumb when she's tired, but whist she was fussing this afternoon she kept sucking her thumb so obviously looking for some sort of comfort. Tonight when I got her out of her cot to do her feed she instantly popped her thumb in her mouth, wound her tiny fist into my hair, snuggled in to me and gave a little happy sigh. I fed her and gave her a little bit of a cuddle after, which normally results in her trying to dive off my knee, but tonight she grabbed my hair, locked in the thumb and snuggled right in, only for a minute, but it was lovely. 

Parenting, to me, is about these moments. 


  1. Oh this is such a lovely post. Parenting is really bloody tough but these little moments that they give us, make every hard day worth while x

  2. Thank you lovely. It's these moments we should write and remember! Xx
