Friday, 23 October 2015

T turned 5

So in my last blog I was counting down to Ts birthday.

The day before I was feeling a bit weird, but just put it down to a bit of pre birthday stress.

I smothered T with kisses and cuddles before bed as is ritual. His last kiss as a 4 year old, his last cuddle as a 4 year old...

Then 10pm I was violently sick...4 times.

I sat in the loo and sobbed.

I was sure I had 'that' sick bug and had infected him as a 5th birthday present. I eventually drifted off to sleep and thankfully woke with the birthday boy at 6 am.

He came in the bedroom to open his presents and I could barely lift my head from my pillow to smile at his excitement. Thankfully Hubby took the day off work to look after me and Eve. I spent all day either sleeping or waiting for the phone call from school saying he'd started being sick.

The call didn't come. I started to feel lots better by 3pm and as no one else had been struck down by then can only think I'd eaten something dodgy.

The entire family piled round for the birthday boys party and he had a lovely time.

We had a bit of a party at a local soft play on the Saturday with a few of his school friends which was just brilliant (apart from T getting picked on by a kid who I may have yelled at a bit)

T also insisted on getting all his hair chopped off so that he could have a Mohawk like Eve. I hate it, he (as is evident in below photo) Loves it! 

Eve thoroughly enjoyed all the cake and has managed to start standing up and cruising these last few days. Which T is loving he finds it hilarious that she grabs his feet. I'm so lucky that they adore each other so much! Long may it last!!

We're making the most of the autumn weather with rides on his new bike and leaf collecting. I love cold sunny Autumn days.

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