Wednesday, 16 January 2013

More Snow and a Me Day

More snow!

I was feeling like the greatest Mammy in the world after Mondays exploits, then more snow graced us on Tuesday, so out came the sledge. T's not been sledging since last winter, so I doubt he would remember that.

So he asked for the sledge and could he pull it, so I let him. We walked for about 500m with him pulling it, I asked if he'd like to get in it and he got upset 'no pull sledge, me pull sledge' so we carried on.

I then realised he may not realise that he was supposed to sit in it. I picked him up and chucked him in it. He booted off BIG time and kept climbing out until I got him in it long enough to start to pull, and then he realised and squealed with delight.

We went to the top of the big hill in the park, and went sledging down approximately 49768 times. Thankfully T loved pulling his sledge up the hill until he got tired and I then had to pull him up.

We then went to see the ducks, had an argument about the fact that the sledge does not move with him in it when there is no snow, went back to see the ducks, went round the museum; twice, walked home, played in the garden for another hour.

3 HOURS I was outside in the snow, that's 5 hours in 24....I was cold, my feet were numb despite the 4 pairs of socks and wellies I had on, my bum was soggy and frozen, fortunately T decided at that very point that he'd had enough also!

So a very snuggly rest of the day was had, and I warmed through more when he told me he'd loved me and he'd had a fun day :)

More 'Sledging'
Even more 'Sledging'
Having a rest from 'Sledging'!
Then today, as usual was my me day. Was woken by T coming to give me a kiss goodbye, he thoughtfully emptied my bedside drawer out on to me, covered me in face cream, gave me a kiss and left. As soon as the door shut I missed him. So I lounged around in bed till 10am, got up, did me Zumba (Xbox Zumba is POO, I shall be continuin to play Wii Zumba, even though it's the same game by the same people, it doesn't even have the same SONGS in it! How stupid is that?!) Sorted washing out, hoovered, skated to a podiatry appointment, got told a different story from this lady who does EXACTLY the same job as the last lady I saw, got cross, am now waiting for takeaway to console myself!
This good :)

This bad :)
But yet the same, no?!

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