Monday, 4 February 2013

One of Those Days

Where you're tired and grumpy and actually just want 10 minutes to yourself.

Today was one of those.

After some upsetting news in Twitterland last night, I, along with every other Mother I know on Twitter were sat awake determined to make the most of every precious second we have with our child, because the sad truth is that life can be unbelievably cruel and you don't know when they may be taken away from you.

So after some tears, some time spent stroking T's hair as he slept, I vowed to value every precious second we had together and drifted off into a determined sleep at about 1:30am.

T woke sobbing at 3:30am, very unlike him so I belted through, he'd come out of his duvet so I grabbed him for a snuggle, smelt his hair, accepted his sleepy kisses and laid him back down.

At 7am he came to wake me....

I forgot that I need 4 hours uninterrupted sleep to function with a smile on my face.

But I had made a promise!

So I dragged myself out of bed, made my cup of coffee and parked my arse on the sofa hoping he was in a snuggly TV watching mood.


After changing his mind about 4 times of what he wanted to watch, I eventually overruled him. He ran screaming (happily) around the house, bouncing off of the sofa, back out the door, off the wall, down the passage, off the wall and back again. He would then launch himself at me (just as I was about to slurp my lovely hot coffee) panting, gasping for air and then commend a coughing and bogey attack.

After waving my coffee around in the air trying to avoid flailing limbs, whilst being head butted and my poor, poor boobs being subjected to T's elbows and full body weight as he manoeuvred into position, I managed to put my coffee on the safety of the coffee table and commence de bogeying him.

As his poor little chest gasped for air and coughs rasped out of his throat I would suggest 'why don't you just sit with Mummy and have a little rest?'

"NOOOOOOOOOO" and the running, squealing, bouncing and essentially mother abuse cycle would begin again.

So come his usual 10am nap time I had not managed to safely slurp my now cold coffee.

But a child is a previous gift that should never be taken for granted.

So I told him it was nap time and the little sweetie he is, he toddles off to his bedroom, climbs into bed, lays down and gets comfy. I give him his kiss and shut the door, glowing with pride that my son a) still naps and b) does it so willingly.

I was looking forward to my much needed hot coffee, anything to shake the tired grumpiness from me. Plodded back to the sofa, lips pursed, when the monitor blared into action "Oh noooo! Monkey" I put my coffee down and went and retrieved Monkey from the floor where he had fallen, smoothed my boys hair away from his beautiful face, kissed him and left.

Sit down, slurp of coffee, SUCCESS! Mmmmm so nice..... Baby monitor came to life again, Abadars theme song, could be worse.

Anyway without stretching out too much he didn't nap, after the third time Bedtime Monkey 'fell' out of bed, I was greeted with T beaming happily and saying 'awake now, alarm off Mammy'

For the rest of the day the scream, bounce, run, flail, headbutt, elbow, sore boobs, snot, cough, splutter went on.

I turned to Twitter 'someone help me find the pause button on him please!'

I didn't see if I had any replies as my phone and I were then promptly ravaged by a plastic tiger.

He had taken my only means of surviving sanely through till Hubbys return away. I couldn't pick up my phone without him throwing himself across my lap, or me being attacked by a tiger/lion/turtle/elephant.

I was about to go f*%}ing mental.

I took a deep breath....

T climbed up me so he was nose to nose....

Stand off...

Then he spoke...

"Luff oooo Mammy"


Outsmarted by a 2 year old.

But all my rage and grumpiness melted in the space of that 3 word snotted sentence.

As long as you appreciate your kids at least once a day then it's all good.

Tell them you love them all the time, hug them close whenever you can.

An hour later I managed to trap him into a hug and a rest for 5 minutes and this happened. There isn't a better feeling in the world, a quiet, sleeping child and a cuddle at the same time

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