For regular blog readers you'll know that I've tried on average, once a month for the last 6 months to have a potty day to see where T was at.
Yesterday was that day. However I was secretly hopeful in the build up to yesterday as he's been showing some signs the last 2 weeks. Holding himself when weeing, and crouching down when pooing. So I've made the effort to realise when he was doing something, and just asking him over and over again if he was doing a wee or poo.
However I didn't expect yesterday to go as well as it did!
I had him dressed in just a t-shirt from the minute he got up. I asked him every 15 minutes if he needed to wee. I then got him to sit on his potty whilst he watched something on TV, whilst he was sat there he wee'd. We've been able to achieve this before, but he's not realised he actually wee'd. So my heart sank a bit thinking we still weren't ready.
We went to play in his bedroom and I took the potty through with me, and whilst he was playing he just gasped, shot over to the potty, and did a wee! I was so shocked!
The next time was even more impressive, I had put the potty back into the front room, he ran through to his bedroom to get something, then came belting back whispering 'it's coming, it's coming' he hopped on the potty, and did wee number 3!
I later went into the kitchen to start tea when he called me through to look at what he'd done. He'd done a poo in his potty, whilst I wasn't even in the room!
We only had one accident the whole day and that was just a bit of confusion. I'd moved the potty back into his bedroom where we were playing, and he ran through to the front room when he needed a wee, he wee'd on the floor exactly where the potty was before. I felt awful afterwards though, he asked to have his nappy back on cause he'd wee'd on the floor, so I spent some time explaining that it was completely my fault and he was ok again after that!
Each successful potty trip was rewarded with me giving him a massive cuddle and kissing him all over his face whilst screeching how clever he is. Then he insists on emptying his own potty (definitely not going to argue with that!) then he got half a Fudge bar as a reward.
We also have a toilet seat thingy, as well as a musical potty. I did think that he'd want to go straight to the toilet, but no he wants potty and only potty!
The valuable thing I learnt from yesterday was, trust your own instincts with when you think your child is ready to start. I had a lot of people telling me he 'should' be trained by now, even the helpful month by month emails were telling me it was time to progress him from his potty to the toilet!
I felt under a lot of pressure and stress to start, probably over the last 6 months or so, hence why I did the one day a month test. But I KNEW I would have more success this time because I saw the signs!
If they aren't showing the signs, there's no point in starting!
So today, I'm trying to introduce an obstacle...pants/pull ups.
He can pull his trousers up and down, but not very quickly, this is a bit of a concern. So I've currently got him in a pair of really loose shorts, and we've played a game of who can pull their trousers down fastest! So when I shout 'I need a wee' we have to whip our trousers down and squat, then I shout 'all done' and we pull them back up.
This could prove embarrassing for anyone window peeping!
So I'll hopefully blog later with an equally successful day, fingers crossed!
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