Thursday 10 October 2013

I'm a Grandma that's overcome Potty Regression!

Well I'm sure most of you know that I'm now a Grandma.

Baby E born 11am 5/10/13 weighing 7lbs 8ozs

Isn't she a stunner!?

I was there to see her enter into the world. It brought tears to my eyes, the Daughter and I didn't have the best relationship to start with, and to have gotten to a place where she wanted me as her birthing partner was just amazing.

Daughter had a very fast, easy labour, they were both home the next day. Daughter is a natural mother, she's so happy and content it's lovely to see.

Baby E is a strong little thing, she can hold her head up already (that must be something from Hubbys side of the family as T was the same) but Baby E can roll onto her side already, she did it as soon as she was put on the weighing scales after she arrived!

So we're all over the moon, I'm a little bit addicted to her, I've seen her every day!

Am trying to give T a lot more love and attention (which is hard because I give him my all anyways) his behaviour's been a bit off for a few weeks and temper tantrums (only for the Hubby) since Baby E was born.

In my previous post I blogged about T going backwards with his potty training.

Well I believe we've cracked it (again!)

On Monday I decided to start over as though I was potty training from the start again, so we started with no pants on again. We had a week of him happily pooing in his potty or the toilet. So this week we introduced pants again. However on Tuesday I forgot to take his trousers off him as soon as we got home and whilst I was tidying his room he just toddled off and had a poo in his potty no bother at all.

Another thing that may have helped was his 'Poo Reward Box' so we got a clear Tupperware box, filled it with sweets or small chocolate bars that he picked, decorated it and put it near his potty. So when he did a poo he could choose a sweet.

Think the problem was I was trying to do new things, when actually I needed to stick with what I knew worked and start over again.

In regards to his behaviour at the moment, I do put it down to an attention thing, but we're dealing with it by Instant Reward/Instant Punishment. Punishment is, if he's naughty a toy goes on top of our wardrobe (usually whatever he's playing with or refusing to tidy up at the time) and when he's good he gets it back. This is currently doing the trick, but as I mentioned before he's saving the tantrums for the Hubby, I've not had issues with it since we cracked the poo business!

We decided last night to try a night without nappies. When he gets up on a morning he takes his nappy off and goes straight on his potty, and for the last few weeks his nappy has been bone dry. So we decided whilst things were going well we'd have a crack at that. He stayed dry!

So a very happy, successful week all round :)

Now I just have to cope with him turning 3 on Tuesday..... :S

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