Monday 6 January 2014

January 6th

Back to school today for both of us. 

I'm on placement to hopefully start my course for becoming a teaching assistant next month. I'm in a class with year 1s and I love it. 

Aside from phonics.

I hate phonics. 

Phonics make no sense to me. I get how they're helpful with words like 'cat' 'hat' and 'dog' but when they become diagraphs 'ed' 'er' they start to make less sense.
 Let's take 'ou' in 'out' this is pronounced as 'ow' in 'should' it is pronounced as 'uh' in 'you' it's pronounced as 'oo' and in 'four' it's pronounced 'or'. This was enough to drive my logic loving brain utterly bananas!
What was wrong with the flash card approach that I and I'm sure most of you reading were brought up with? It's working with T. He can read and pronounce words my Yr1s would struggle with! 

I digress.

So I was at school this morning, then went for lunch with a friend. (See, resolutions getting knocked out of the park this week, although it negates my weight loss one) we came back to mine after for coffee, one of the bloody stupid dogs escaped and made a bid for freedom (I live within the grounds of a park, she spotted a dog walking past and went to plaaaaay) so after chasing her for bloody ages I picked her up caked in mud as she decided she wanted to have a good ol' roll in the mud seems as she was already in trouble. 

Carried her home. Cleaned up, went to pick T up from nursery. Came home chatted about his day which went like this:
*come in and sits on the couch, T throws himself at me*
"Mammy I just missed you so much today" *gives me a massive cuddle, my heart melts*
" aww baby I missed you too, what did you do today?"
"I counted raisins, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and then I put an apron on and then I MADE A CAKE!"
"Ohh lovely, did you make one for mammy?"
"No! Just for children"
"Didn't your teacher have one?"
"No, Mammys and teachers don't like cake" (?!)
"We do like cake, we LOVE cake"
"No. You. Don't. Like. Cake"
"We do"
"We do"
"You and me gonna fall out Mammy"

Oh good grief!


  1. Must admit I'm not keen on phonics!
    Your little one sounds so cute bless him!

  2. i hate phonics too! good luck for your placement!

  3. Love the conversation, but I actually think that Phonics works really well when taught correctly. Mini was ready as 3 (he was an early reader) and this was mostly via Maxi's phonics (as Maxi taught him)

  4. We have Phonics to come shortly, I'm dreading it as I don't understand it at all!

  5. Such a sweet and funny little conversation! :D

  6. oh gosh I have all this to come! x

  7. Oh toddlers are so funny. We were taking the decorations down yesterday and I told Aaron that that made me more sad than him. He put me straight to say the least. Hey, I hate phonics too! Prefer the way we learned in our day!
    Liska xx
    P.S. what with the convo in here, you could link this post up to my #SaidItSaturday linky this weekend - it had a break over Xmas.

  8. I loved phonics with my two but my youngest was such a slow learner bless him. He was quite behind his peers at one point but then he caught up and more!

  9. I've found phonics to be pretty helpful for my eldest 3 (youngest is yet to start). I find myself using them when adults ask me how to spell something, I must sound like a right prat!

  10. I am still working my way through understanding phonics, they don't come naturally to me for longer words at all.
