Tuesday 7 January 2014

January 7th

So about 5pm today I was pondering 'what the heck am I going to write about today?'

Then I went in the bath.

T only normally bothers the Hubby in the bath, I'm the boring parent that gets left alone.

Not today!

T decided he wanted to help bath me. Fine. So he start pouring water over my face and over my hair, lovely.

Then he spotted my nipples. He poked one;

"What's that Mammy?"

"That's a nipple, just like what you and Daddy have"

*He checks his, obviously they look different*

"Mammy they're poooorly"

*He runs off to find Hubby, explains to Hubby that Mammy has poorly nipples and needs 2 plasters, Hubby finds this most amusing, provides T with said plasters and comes into the bathroom to watch, T gently sticks the plasters on my nipples and says*

"All better now Mammy there you go" and he left, pleased with his work and his healing abilities.

So I lay in the bath looking at my boobs, my left one adorned with a Holly Shiftwell from Cars
plaster, and the other adorned with a Fillmore from Cars plaster.

They say you never look at your boobs the same after you've breastfed, I say you never look at them the same when they've been covered with kids plasters.
Especially when they have eyes, looking judgingly at me. Silently judging. 

Look at his eyes. Dirty perv!


  1. *howls laughing* thank you :) xx

  2. Hhhm, not really sure what to say - except stock up on some faceless plasters!

  3. Haha, I laughed out loud at T's observations. Aren't kids cute, sometimes?

  4. Haha so funny! I love the things kids say and do!

  5. I've never heard that about breast-feeding. Got to love kids ay!

  6. Now I want to know why he thinks yours look poorly! Good luck with that one ;)

  7. hahaha!! That's brilliant! Great post. My daugher recently came up to me and out of the blue said 'can I see your boobs mum?' (she's 2) when I said no she was outraged ... But you used to show them to Wilbur (my one year old, who I recently stopped breastfeeding) every day!!

  8. My boy is obsessed with boobies - I'm glad he's never offered to put plasters on them though.

    Yet !!!
