Friday 3 January 2014

New Start

Happy New Year!

Today it dawned on me that I could rekindle my blogging desire if I changed the way I blog, last year it worked as thus: If I found something to rant about, I would blog, then I would aim to do a monthly catch up of what we'd been up to. Except if I didn't get chance to catch up one month then I had 2 months worth, etc etc. So I stopped blogging.

So my New blogasution is to try and do a mini blog every day, even if it's just a picture, a thought or a funny story.

To be a sheep, here's my New Years Resolutions:

Do a Pilates class or do Pilates at home once a week (most likely at home, the thought of laying groaning and farting next to toned and perfectly made up women fills me with dread!)

Moisture (I'm not getting any younger!)

Maintain weight loss ( I got down to 12 stone) No higher than 12 stone 7 by 01/01/15 (I am currently 12 st 8, damn Christmas and your Terrys Chocolate Oranges!)

Take care with appearance: When leaving the house, hair must be done, not scragged back, nails should be clean and tidy!

Half hour me time a day; I feel guilty at walking away from time as a family when Hubby gets in from work but maybe I could sneak half an hour once T has gone to bed. I have created a snuggle corner in my bedroom, big squishy armchair with a snuggly blanket. Hubby has his own space in the dining room, Xbox and armchair!

More outside stuff with T: We rarely get a lot of time together, I want to get outside in the fresh air, in the rain, in the snow, in the wind!

Socialise at least once a month with friends: My family are my friends, however I do have very good friends and want to stay in touch with those that don't have kids, and those that do, we go out and have lunch, not play dates!

Make memories: Ts at an age now where he will be able to look back on things and remember. So I want to make memories worth remembering!

Take more proper photos: Hubby bought me a Canon Rebel T4i 650d for Christmas, with a big lense and a normal lense (I am sooooo technical) I intend to use this A LOT! Perhaps learn the correct terminology as I go!

Blog more: This is that!

We're also on the saving money thingy as everyone is at this time of year. But today I have 2 examples of how we've already changed our attitude. T basically got bought the content of every toy shop in the land for Christmas, so we needed more storage. We were going to spend £100 on a new wardrobe and a bookcase. Instead we added bookshelves in the annoying gap between wardrobe end and wall. Got given a chest of drawers that SIL was throwing out, turned that into half drawers and 2 cubes, currently painting them to match T's room.

We also decided that our dining table needed to be smaller as we now have Hubbys time out area in there, so again instead of buying a new one £180 we decided to just cut our existing one down!

From this:

To this!

So a productive day, which has saved us £280!

So I will now attempt to be a good blogger and actually blog stuff.

Oh here's a 'proper pic' accompanied with a 'funny' story. Whenever T has been pushing his luck in the past, the Hubby and I have uttered the phrase 'You carry on like this and me and you are gonna fall out' Today the tables were turned as when T didn't get something he wanted he said 'me and you are gonna fall out' whilst giggling his face off. Bless him!


  1. I am pinching the moisturize one - this central heating indoors to gales outdoors is playing havoc with my skin! And a new camera to play with can mean only one thing - lots of photo posts!

    1. I hope to achieve more photo posts! Less thinking of what to write! As for the moisturising I do all over after bath/shower and I do face, upper chest, lips and hands at bedtime may I forewarn you that bedtime moisturising then playing with phone = phone slipping and bashing you on the nose!

  2. Wow, you have been super productive! I can't believe how good the dining table looks.

    1. It's fab isn't it! Helpful that hubby is a joiner by trade. :)

  3. Well done on the money saved! Look forward to reading about what you're up to

    1. It's crazy that normally we'd have spent that money without a second thought!

  4. I really need to copy most of your resolutions for myself! they are good ones! and well done with the table thats impressive!

    1. Join in with my resolutions! Could use a partner in crime!

  5. Wow Kirsty would be proud of you, your table looks amazing.

  6. Thank you :) just hope the drawers turn out as nice!

  7. I love that resolution about making memories - I'm going to do that too! What a fantastic idea.

    1. Thank you. I'm all about memories. I blog, have scrapbooks, do journals. I'd like to think that if, god forbid, I died anytime soon, I left as much as I could for him to know as much as he could about me!

  8. How clever are you - i love the 'new' table x x

    1. Me too, we used it for the first time tonight! Very cosy!

  9. Your table alteration is amazing! Very impressed :) Good luck with your plans for 2014 - getting outside and seeing friends more are def on my list x

    1. Thank you, good luck with your resolutions! x

  10. Goodluck with your blogging commitment :) Ohhh and the smaller table looks loads better than the big one, job well done.
