Sunday 1 December 2013

Turning 3

T turned 3 on October 15th.

However the world has turned upside down since then (allow me to be melodramatic please) so I haven't blogged properly in a long while.

So his day of turning 3 looked like this:

We had a lovely day, lots of loved ones around us. With T turning 3 it meant he was ready to start his 15 hours of nursery on November 4th, so I was more determined than ever to make the most of the few weeks before he started.
October 20th: At tea time, T looked a bit under the weather, runny gunky eyes, very pale and just looked wiped. I suffer with allergies at this time of year when the leaves fall and wondered if it was getting him too.
October 21st: Took T to the Drs in the morning, Dr checked him over and said he was fine, I explained my concern about the allergy and could we have some anti-histamine for him he said no as he couldn't see any problems (being the dense first time mum I am, I didn't think you could buy kids anti-histamine) so I shrugged and we carried on with our day. Went for coffee and soft play with my mum, then after being home an hour, we had this:

By the time we got to the Drs

 The poor thing was covered head to toe by the time we'd finished.
So I was told he had hives, likely as an allergic reaction to something and was prescribed an anti-histamine. However to this day the hives are still randomly appearing and we have no idea what is causing them :(
Then his first morning at nursery arrived on November 4th (he does 15 hours over 3 days, Mon 8:45-3:15 Tue 8:45-3:15 and Wednesday 8:45-11:45) his first week he was doing just mornings.
November 11th: T's first full day at school, and also mine. I have started to volunteer at his school as I'm hoping to start training to be a Teaching Assistant in February and I needed a placement. So I'm in with a lovely Yr1 class. T woke up on this morning a bit snotty with a bit of a cough, but it being our first proper days we trooped off to school. I told his teacher to give me a shout if he was too bad but it was just a cold at the end of the day. All went well until 2pm when the school had a 'Stranger Danger' talk. I went down to the hall with my Yr1s and I was surprised when they brought the nursery kids in. T stared at me as he walked across the hall with a confused look on his face 'you look like my Mammy but why are you here?' Once it dawned on him it was really me he waved, so I gave a little wave back, then he started shuffling down the line towards me. His teacher came to tell him to sit still and he said he wanted to see me, so she smiled and said he could quickly. So he stood up with the biggest smile going and screamed 'Mammmmmmmyyy' as he ran towards me, then his bottom lip started wobbling, then the tears came as he shouted (whilst still running towards me) 'Mammy you need to take me home, I'm sooooo poorly' and he threw himself into my arms sobbing. I took one look at him and got a bit upset. His eyes were red and streaming from the cold, he had wiped bogies all over his face and his face was just dark green, snot was pouring out of his nose. His Teacher came over and said I could take him home if I liked cause he was thick with cold, and she suggested if he was just as bad the following day to only do a half day. The cold turned into a chest infection, for both of us and we'd only just recovered fully by November 22nd.
November 23rd: T complains that his finger hurts and he is poorly. Hubby and I giggle about this as he enjoyed being looked after when  he was poorly.
November 24th: T says his finger still hurts, we kiss it better.
November 25th: T has massive lump on finger, I presume it's some sort of cut that got infected, rub some savlon on, put plaster on, kiss it better, we go to school. On the way home, he shows me another big lump on his finger, and another, and another. There are some on his feet too.
November 26th: Take T to Drs, T has Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Feel very bad parent for laughing over the weekend when he was telling us he was poorly, cause he actually was.
It is now December the 1st. His spots are starting to clear, thankfully he was only poorly with the pain of his spots and nothing else.
I'm fed up of all the germs now.
Let's see what this week brings!




  1. Blimey what a few weeks you have had, hope T is feeling better now x

    1. Yes, it's certainly kept me occupied, and I had my foot injection thingy on Thursday to boot! He seems better thank you, but is still telling us he's a 'very poorly boy' and I just can't decide whether to believe him or not! x

  2. Oh Buttercup, what a truly crappy time you've all had!
    Hopefully he's on the mend now and you'll all be fit and healthy to enjoy the festivities xx

    1. Thanks lovely. It wasn't intended to be a 'look how tough everything's been recently' post. It started off as a nice birthday post, then I got sidetracked from finishing it, then I thought someone may benefit from the allergy part, then just blurted everything else out in the starting school bit! Lol. Yes I hope that's it now. I am fully stocked up on anti bac hand wash and berroca now though! Xx

  3. Oh poor love! I've got a friend who has been having similar issues with hives appearing and disappearing all the time and they can't get to the bottom of it. :(

    1. I feel her pain! We were just told to keep him on the anti histamine till a week before we can see people at the allergy clinic. Which is on December 12th. I'm hoping there's no hives when we take him back off it. I hate giving him medicine without knowing what it's treating! Just masks the problem in my eyes!

  4. It's draining for the family as a whole when one of you gets ill, let alone a series of it. I'm with you on the not liking giving medicine without knowing what for - I'm on iron tablets for my iron deficiency - but they can't work out what's causing it. Treat the effects is ok but until you know the root of the problem it can't be truly sorted x

  5. Oh goodness how stressful and how upsetting for you that it took so long to diagnose! Glad things are starting to get better x
