Bump is changing shape and getting hugerer!
Something is happening around my upper tummy/ rib area, it's huge, it's solid, it's making my heart pound and leaves me struggling to breathe sometimes, like a panic attack without the panic? Am not too worried, seeing midwife on Tuesday so will ask any questions then if I need to.
Had my consultation last week. They found a trace of blood in my urine, I'm not having any problems down there so they've sent it off to get checked out.
Also they've said with my hypermobility and my previously fast (ish) labour (waters broke 11pm, contractions started 1/2am ish and he was born at 1:50pm) I've been told I need to go in as soon as anything starts cause they think this time will be lots quicker (I can only hope!)
I've been panicking about fitness. Before T I was a lot bigger but I'd played badminton at a high level regularly for 20 years, under the fat I was ripped! However since having him and having my hypermobility diagnosed I've not been able to do much. So I decided I should do something about that as my size increases every day, so I purchased this:
I've done Pilates in the past, I could do this shit! You can do just 10 minutes a day or, go hardcore and do 50 minutes in one. I'm hardcore, I was going for the 50 minutes.
Started off with lots of squats and arm flailing, pelvic tucks etc. I was doing well till I noticed my quads starting to wibble from exhaustion, after about 2 minutes. No! Determined I soldiered on. The next session was about abs and 'the core' "get 2 pillows and lay on the floor" smashing. So I started off with half sit-ups and leg raises, then essentially my body just gave up, after 15 bloody minutes:
So I watched her crack on whilst I had a rest on my pillows.
I woke up today, hopped out of bed and screamed, my poor poor quads and hamstrings!
So today I have struggled to walk, sit down and stand up.
The lesson I have learned?
Exercise is bad for you :)*
*not really I will persevere
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