Sunday, 20 July 2014

18 Weeks

Eesh well, I've not blogged for a few weeks as I've been struggling really. 

I'll spare you the details of one of the issues (it was a pain in the ass!) but I went away with my Mum last Monday for a night away at a luxury hotel, and some 'us' time. Had a lovely lovely time away. Went down for breakfast on the Tuesday morning, ordered a fry up which was literally swimming in grease. I attempted to eat it but I couldn't, then came over feeling very unwell. 

Managed to pull myself together and went for a walk and lunch around the little town then set off for home.

The way home was all country roads which I never do well with (the trip there was broken up with stops in little towns) so I was feeling very unwell by the time I got home. I had an hour till I needed to go and get T so I thought I would try a half hour sleep. Woke up from that, threw up a few times and forced myself out of the house for the school run. Felt very queasy the rest of the night but put it down to heat/4 nights disturbed sleep/ travel sickness. 

I had a great nights sleep on Tuesday, got up on Wednesday morning feeling refreshed, went and made my breakfast, then came over feeling faint, broke out in sweat, ran to the loo and threw up. Felt horrid so I went back to sleep. I slept most of Wednesday, when I got up to brush my teeth before bed on the night the same thing happened again without the sickness. Panicking I called my Dad and asked if he could come over the next morning after Hubby had left for work incase I was still bad. 

Sure enough got up Thursday morning and after being stood up for about a minute I literally felt the blood drain from my head and I would start to feel faint. My Dad took me to the Drs, BP was 100/55, had been 100/60 the week before, Drs and midwives not worried, said it most likely be the heat and I was to drink loads of water, took some bloods for iron check too. T and I went to my parents house for the day so he could play and I could lie down till Hubby finished work.

Hubby took Friday morning off so he could look after me till my friend and her son arrived on the afternoon to take over. I was still the same, dizzy after being stood up after a minute or so.  Drinking soooooo much water.

Saturday the same.

Today, a bit different, still a bit dizzy but not as intense, but I feel so drained and weak. Struggling to keep the weight of my head up, struggling to keep my eyes open. 

So today I had a cry, a big one with snot and everything. I know I have to be patient and wait for blood results but they may not come back till Wednesday. If it's low iron, that can take a while to build back up, if it's not low iron, then what?!

I'm stuffing my face with everything that has iron in apart from the actual iron! I'm trying anything and everything to get myself back to normal again I've never felt like such a useless lump in all my life.

On a happier note, if bumpy is stealing all my blood and iron it's being put to good use I can feel it kicking away most of the day, have managed to feel a few movements from the outside as well. Trying to catch it so that Hubby and T can have a feel. 

So let's see what this next week brings, hopefully a week of getting better!

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