Saturday, 4 April 2015

Sleep glorious sleep!

12 hours baby! 12 FREAKIN HOURS!!

It dawned on me in my sleep deprived state the other night that perhaps the reason why the night feed was such a wrestling match was because she wasn't actually hungry, just wanted something to suck on. So the night before last I thought I'd try just giving her her dummy when she stirred. She makes it pretty obvious when she doesn't want it so was reassured that I wouldn't be starving her.

We put her to bed at half 7, I was beside myself with tiredness, had tweeted that I had gotten to the point where going to bed was filling me with dread, and had a surpassing amount of support!

So during the night as soon as she started squawking I popped her dummy in her mouth and she went straight back off. Until 4:30am when she wouldn't take it so we gave her a feed. She drank the lot! For the last 2 weeks she's only been having half a feed on waking, probably cause she was too full from the night, but the half feeds would continue all day until led time which was getting frustrating. 

So last night we adopted the same approach, she went to bed earlier 6:30, was only up 3 times putting the dummy in and the next thing I knew it was 6:30am!


I am hoping that this is fairly permanent now, however the 2 nights that she slept through were typically 2 of the 4 days my husband has off. So I'm guessing 2 more good nights then Monday will be horrendous as he's back to work on Tuesday! 

But we shall see!

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