Thursday, 14 October 2010

The end and the beginning

So my due date is tomorrow and bump seems to be climbing further and further up my ribs to avoid leaving his warm safe home.

I've been asking the question 'How will I know when it starts?' and I am utterly pig sick of the answer 'oooh you'll know'. No-seems to be able to describe anything to do with labour or contractions and just smile patronisinlgy at you when you ask the question.

I may have an insanely high pain threshold, I may be having contractions RIGHT NOW and just be brushing them off as ligament pain!

People should not assume!

That's partly why i've decided to start blogging, from day one of my pregnancy, i hit brick wall after brick wall with getting simple questions answered, maybe i can shed some light to people who are feeling the same.

I've been on maternity leave now for 3 weeks, I am soooo bored it's ridiculous, I have no nesting instinct, just an overwhelming sense of guilt when I see all the housework that should be getting done. I spend my days watching pointless TV and wondering every second, of every minute, of every waking hour if my life changing moment is about to begin.

When it doesn't I get upset and frustrated and then start the whole process again.

No wonder i'm mentally exhausted.

Bump best turn up tomorrow as my brain will melt if i have to go through this for another 2 weeks!

My peice of advice for today would be in the last month of pregnancy get a t-shirt made that says 'it's due on the 15th, it's a boy, i'm terrified, and I will punch you square in the face if you comically ask if he's still not here yet' obviously fill in to your own circumstance but you get the gist.

That's been the hardest part about this last week, knowing each morning that you could be a mum by the end of the day, and waiting all day for that moment to arrive, but also how everyone starts to treat you.

Everyone starts to address your bump directly 'come on little one when are you coming out' their first questions are 'Is he still in there (yes clearly he is, else i'm still a whale and i've left my baby somewhere)'

Partners will start to get too excited and forget about you in favour of speaking to the bump also.

My OH (other half) comes through the door each night at 5pm and yells 'Where's my baby?' he thinks it's funny, I get upset (only 9 months ago I was his baby, in a different context) and then the OH spends all evening making jokes about the bump turning up and how woman should feel pain in labour else they wouldn't feel as though they'd acheived anything. (Again in a joking way, which soon ends when he gets a slap across the face)

So I believe I will end my blog here, go and stare at some washing up and then assume my position on the couch before OH arrives home with his same bad jokes and takes me out for a meal when I make him feel guilty!

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