Well, I havent written since that first/last post, as bump (from here referred to as T) turned up bang on time!
Later that day I went out for a meal and a pub quiz with my OH, to distract me from the potential 2 week wait and to possibly celebrate our last night of freedom.
After a cup of cocoa I collapsed into bed, snuggled up with OH and with a quick rub of my tummy laid my head on the pillow to sleep.
I then heard an odd popping noise.
So I shifted position, and water gushed out of me.
"errrm, sweetie, my waters have broken"
"Are you sure?"
"I may drown"
However my contractions had not started, so with shaking hands I rang the hospital, they advised to come in within the next couple of hours and they would check me out.
So I waddled off for a cup of tea, with a self made nappy round me.
Went to hospital at 1am, 1cm, sent home.
3am, contractions started, 2 minutes apart within 10 minutes, kindly amused myself for a little while so OH could sleep, then went in the bath.
7am, ouchie, back to hospital, 1cm, sent home.
9am, big ouchie, made noise like dying giraffe, needed to push, back to hospital. Hospital tried to send me home again, but after i stood in front of the reception and had a contraction and push they put me in an observation room, gave me 2 paracetamols and said they'd be back at half 1 to exam me again.
About 11am they let me have a luverly lavender bath, I nodded off for a minute between every 2 minute contraction, OH was on lifeguard duty as he feared I would drown.
12 noon, back in room, midwife heard me trying to push and came in and told me off as I wasnt yet ready and I was putting myself and bump at risk.
1:30pm midwife came in, examined me, announced I was not far off, almost dilated, should be ready to go in about 4 - 6 hours she would go book me in to delivery suite so I could get some pain relief and get my water birth set up. But I was still not to push. She pulled my trousers back up and headed out. Immediately as she left I had a mega contraction and needed to push (I'd only had 2 paracetamols, pushing eased the pain) I then felt something in my pants....
My instant thought was 'sh*t she told me not to push and now my insides have fallen out' but instead i calmly said to my OH
'There's something in my pants'
He whipped down my trousers, shrieked, ran after the midwife screaming 'she's crowning!', midwife belted back in told me to push, i did, out bump came and was flung onto my chest.
I laughed my head off, for ages. I'd mentally geared myself up only 20 minutes before for at least another 4 hours of pain, and I was done, he was here! 2 Paracetamols baby! How hardcore am I!?
7 Hours later T and I were home (For any first time mums reading this, please please PLEASE try and stay in hospital, I HATE them and fought tooth and nail to get home, however I'd had no proper sleep for over 36 hours and still havent yet! Wish I'd stayed in, but my faith in the hospital was very knocked considering i'd practically done it all myself as they clearly thought I was a nightmare first time mother.)
The last 15 weeks in a nutshell:
Night 1: Had one of those Angelcare movement monitors, went off about 6 times the first night, ended up with him falling asleep on me and I went another night with no sleep.
A few hours old |
Week 4: Baby diagnosed with reflux, exorcist sick after every feed and screams loudly when put down on back, use phrase, 'only quiet when sleeping and eating' thats what the Drs look for!
Little sick! |
Today: I have a beautiful, chilled out, happy, giggly, extremely strong baby boy. I'm loving mummyhood, apart from the further lack of support i received once i'd left the hospital, I've pretty much figured it all out myself with help from google!
My advice for the first 3 months, follow your instincts, there are pros and cons for everything that has ever been discussed for a baby, do what makes you feel happy!
I had a similar birth, where I was told it would be hours, I was only 5cm, then 10 minutes later I had a baby. I stayed in hospital for my daughter and then went home after 6 hours with my son. I didn't get any sleep either way (its very loud on the ward, but you've got a lot of help). If you are a first timer I would say stay in because they can help you get breastfeeding right. Other than that the only advantage of staying in is that when you leak lochia everywhere its someone else's sheets!