Monday, 31 January 2011

Baby Blues and Paranoia

Thought i'd write this whilst it was fresh in my mind.

Baby blues, or the weepies. Make you feel like your world has ended after the silliest of events has occured, due to hormones flying around especially when aunt flo is in town can turn you into a giant snivelling mess, as I am now!

My baby blues has been triggered by the usual things, other half making a joke which normally would have me in stitches but due to it being the wrong thing at the wrong time I cried like the world was ending, crying when the baby won't settle within 5 seconds when I just want to sleep, crying cause the baby's crying.
Then the not so usual things, whilst the OH has been at work, i've cried because I couldn't get my cup of tea to taste right after 4 attempts, cried because I couldn't decide what I wanted for lunch, cried cause i'd ran out of get the picture.

I'm pleased to say this is all totally normal.

Although it doesnt feel normal, the trick is to have an understanding partner. One who understands how truly upset you are when you stand in front of him, tears and snot streaming down your face and snap at him for letting you sleep for too long. In his head, he'd been the best boyfriend in all the land, letting you have 3 hours much needed sleep once he'd got in from work. In your head the following; he obviously didnt want to spend anytime with me, he forgot about me, he knows fine well if i sleep now i'll be awake all night and he wont care cause he'll be asleep and i'll be all alone with nothing to do but wait till the baby wakes up for a feed.

Another example is when he came home from work one night and i'd had T throwing up all the live long day alllll over me, I was waiting for him to come in and offer to watch the baby so I could have a much needed bath, the offer didn't come as he came in popped his head in the door to say hi and that he was jumping in the bath. In his head, all is well cause she looks happy and content with the baby, i've had a hard day at work, i'll have a lovely relaxing bath. He then surfaced from the bath and came in all happy and clean and lovely to face the screaming fury that was me, how DARE he not telepathically know that I needed a bath when i'd made no mention of being covered in sick, or even asked if he'd mind that I went in first, if our relationship carried on in this selfish way of his I was going to be a single mother and I would have to move back in with my parents and WHERE ON EARTH WOULD T SLEEP!?

Perfectly reasonable.

The paranoia side of things, again requires a very understanding partner *blows her other half a kiss across the room as she realises how patient and understanding he really is* I went through a phase (which is still in place) that I was to be kissed and told I was loved everytime he left the house, as if anything were to happen to him whilst he was out, I would always know that he loved me, and he would have no regrets that he didn't tell me enough (see i'm so thoughtful) I then became adament that I was going to die during childbirth, so insisted that we took out life insurance, as it made me cry to think of him mourning me with no extra income, as if the loss of me wasn't enough. (I'd died but T had lived if that wasnt clear!) the ultimate one when i knew a)how bananas I really was and b) that I was with the perfect man, was the day before my parents were due to leave on a cruise. There'd been some almighty cock ups and in my head it was all coming together that clearly it was final destination 4, all the signs were saying that they shouldn't go. I received a call from my dad saying that instead of travelling down in 2 stages with an overnight stay, something had cropped up and they were going to do it in one stage in the morning. This was the final warning in my Final Destination film mind. So even though it was late and my OH had had a long day, he knew what was going through my head and offered to take me round, so I could make my peace incase it was the last time I would ever see them.

Crazy how minds work.

But hopefully this eases the minds of anyone suffering the same, or amuses those who are reading it!

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