Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Backwards Crawling and Potential Teething?!

Well it's definitely been an eventful day with T!

He seemed a bit grumpier than normal this morning, I think i've said before that he's a generally chilled out baby, if he cries, it's nothing that a nappy change/feed/nap won't solve. But today none of that worked, I had to do the good ol' dump him in his cot and walk away a few times.

Although for the 15 minutes I did get him to play on his GIANT new playmat, he discovered crawling....backwards! Very clever of him. He gets himself up into the crawling position then does some weird shuffle that just results in a reverse movement.

Must start childproofing house, must, must, must!

I'm gonna leave him on that mat for 2 minutes one morning and come back and he'll be gone, wedged under the couch or something!

Anyways back to the grumpiness;

He had BRIGHT red cheeks when I got him up this morning, like someone had painted them on.

On closer inspection they weren't just red, they were very dry and almost scaly looking, he had a bit of a rash on his chin, but with the amount he's drooling I'm not overly surpised.

So the grumpiness carried on throughout the day, then about 3 hours ago, he went from grumpy, to 'oh god won't someone please shut him up'! So we gave him some calpol and some bonjella, followed by about 7 spoons of bolognese and half a bottle of milk.

I posted on facebook a request for information on his symptoms, a lot of friends commented saying it sounded like he was teething, it could be eczema, it could be eczema because he's teething!

So that soothed me a little bit, but as I was giving him a pre bedtime routine cuddle, I noticed he was rather hot, so we took his temperature (normal) so I stripped him off; smiley happy boy again! Ta daaa!

But as I was scruitinising him in a different light I noticed that he has a skin coloured rash all over his face, his normally smooth skin is now like braille?! But he was still happy and smiley so not too concerned.

Was going to bring him back into our room tonight but decided not to, if i'm concerned when I do his ridiculous o'clock feed then i'll bring him in.

So silence reigns over the house as he's been put down for the night.

Fingers crossed I get my smiley boy back tomorrow!

Teething chomp?!

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