Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Beating PND Day 1

Well I must say i'm pleased that I wrote about PND after the positive feedback and support i've received! People are saying that its good to raise awareness of how simple it can be, and that it doesn't mean that you hate your child!


I've had a really productive day today (you may be rather unimpressed by the things that follow!)

First off I got up when T woke up for his second feed, which was at half 8 this morning, normally I pop him straight back down after for another nap but I decided that I need to keep him up a bit more on a morning so I can get him to bed earlier on an evening.

So we were both up and dressed by half 9 (normally that doesnt occur till about  half 3 :S) I was supposed to wait for my mum to come and pick us up but I decided to make my way over to her and surprise her, this may sound very simple, however I don't drive and i've developed a very irrational fear of buses since I had T.

I say irrational but it's not. I'm a very proud woman, I don't like not knowing what I'm doing and I do NOT like looking silly. So since the day T was born the idea of getting on the bus and maybe getting stuck in the aisle, not being able to manouvre the pram round the poles, not being able to fit it in the gap, the pram falling over because I forgot to put the brakes on etc etc has given me nightmares.

It makes it a trillion times worse because the OH's 17 year old daughter (referred to as The Daughter) has no qualms whatsoever doing it, and she's taken T all over the place on the bus without even a care. Makes me feel like a right banana. She kindly assisted me on a trip to the town a week or so ago, but I've not been back on since, and I had someone to hold my hand.

Anyways back to today.

I was a mammy on a mission.

So off I strode to the bus stop (the usual fleeting panic that I'd forgotten to get dressed and was actually walking around in my jamas, quick check confirmed I wasn't, phew!) The bus arrived and on I hopped, straight in to the gap, brakes on, bish, bash, bosh! I was sat with such a giant grin on my face at what I'd acheived, but I must have looked like a crazy lady to anyone observing me!

Hopped off at the end of my mums road and began the trek to her house.

Long story short, she was very surprised to see me and equally as proud.

So we popped to the shops to get me some new clothes.

As usual I came home empty handed.


I'm currently planning my wedding which is in August and September (I'm greedy I'm having 2) and I've been tearing my hair out trying to find a black dress which will suit all 7 (yes greedy) of my bridesmaids and keep within my teeny tiny budget, and I found them!!! All 7!!! All the right sizes!!!! All HALF PRICE!!!!!


Purchased them, and returned home extremely delighted with myself.

So as I explained earlier, a very mundane day, but I acheived 2 huge things....Its 9pm and T's still up, but I can start the earlier bedtime thing tomorrow.

Day 1

Me = 1- PND = 0

Bring on tomorrow....oh and for those insomniacs Lavender Oil on your pillows, mmmmm followed by zzzzz!

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