Monday, 7 February 2011

Keep on Rolling baby

I had a choice of two titles for this blog, I went with keep on rolling (Limp Bizkit) rather than Proud Mary (Tina Turner) as Proud Mary goes from Tina Turner to the cast of Glee and then I get the urge to sing, ergo getting side tracked!

Well T has discovered rolling, aged 16 weeks and 2 days.

 Was rather amusing.

We'd bought an end of carpet roll which we cut into metre squares to put on the floor so T can have his 'tummy time' as we have laminate flooring, and it's nigh on impossible to find any kind of play mat that doesn't slip and slide everywhere.

So he was spinning round in circles on his front which he's been doing for a while, then my OH walked out the room, and T did a lovely roll off the mat onto the laminate flooring....and screamed.

It does warn you that they give themselves a nasty shock when they do it, so I cheered and clapped then picked him up and gave him a big cuddle.

Then we got him to bed for about half 8 (woo its getting earlier) and when he awoke at 3am, he was cheekily smiling up at me, which was lovely till I realised he'd obviously rolled over as I'd put him onto his front. So I clapped and cheered again (although he may have thought I was cheering at him waking me up, which would be bad, as I don't know at what point between 11 and 3 he'd rolled over)

After I'd fed him I put him back down in his basket and laid down in bed, and I could hear all this grunting and huffing and puffing, with the occasional pair of eyes peering over the top at me, followed by a bum sticking up in the air. After about 20 minutes of his exertions, I put him onto his back as clearly thats where he wanted to be. Then ensued a further 20 minutes of arms and legs failing about and shouting as T told the animals on the side of his basket all about his adventures.

Then thankfully fell asleep.

Don't think it'll be long before he starts crawling, he can push himself up into the right position, he just hasn't figured the rest of it out yet, thankfully, think operation childproof everything will need to be started fairly quickly!!

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