Sunday, 6 February 2011

Oh what a night!


T obviously decided to get his revenge on me for thinking of putting him into his own room

*in a Stewie from Family Guy type voice*

" What the hell mother, I will make you pay, I shall never leave your side!!!"

(Family Guy makes you look at your own child a little differently, you do occasionally wonder the evil thoughts that go through their minds!)

So T went to bed at half 9, I couldn't sleep, so eventually drifted off at about 12:45 am

T woke up at 1:15am, so I draaaggged myself out of bed, gave him his feed, put him back down again, got up to redo his night bottle, got back to sleep about 2am.

T then awoke again at 5am, so dragged myself out of bed again, but T decided he would like to wind me up. He wouldn't let me put his bib on, he kept pushing against my leg and head diving out of my arms and then came the latest development...

He has now sussed hand eye co-ordination.

This may seem like an exciting development in my sons life, and whilst I am very proud, he displayed his newfound talent to me in the worst way possible at the worst time possible.

After his feed I was giving him a little cuddle, and he gazed transfixed at my glasses, out reached his tiny hand, then....SMACK, my glasses were walloped off my face. Cue much giggling from T. So putting it down to coincidence I put my glasses back on and went back to cuddling, again T got transfixed, out reached his tiny hand then...GRAB, he got hold of the front of my glasses and pulled.

So I took them off and spent the rest of the cuddle blind.

So does this now mean, that when I wake up on a night I should put my contact lenses in to prevent any breakages? Or should I do it blind?!

However, T went back to sleep about half 5, as did I, then about 6:30am he started stirring again. I physically couldn't lift my head from the pillow, I laid there for about 15 minutes as he had a bit of a whinge, started psyching myself up to get up and make yet another bottle, when my OH came to my rescue, and leapt out of bed to fix everything.

I slept in till half 9, mmmm lovely.

Nights like that are such a struggle, i've learned that I need at least 4 hours uninterrupted sleep in order to function, if that gets disturbed I'm a bit useless.

Thanks goodness it happened on a weekend, and fingers crossed it doesn't happen again tonight!

One smile from them erases all the tiredness you'll be pleased to know!

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