Monday, 18 February 2013

Ice Age.....and stuff

I feel like I should blog as it has been far too long.

I have the urge to write but I just don't have a subject!

So it'll just most likely be an update, feel free to stop reading here if you don't care what I've been up to! (Although I've had a pretty good rant about Ice Age at the end!)

I went on a photography course the other weekend, that was scary but good fun. Run by Total Memories Photography 2 great guys.

I can't say I honestly understood everything, but I learned enough to be able to take photos in M mode now and how to rectify any problems with my pictures, which was all I wanted from the course so totally worth it!

Here's some of my fave pics since the course:

Happy jumping boy!

Something Interesting

Stubborn dog!
I'm so glad to have my happy boy back, he's been poorly with the longest cold ever, then something spooked him in his room, so I had about 5 days of him screaming crying every time he was put to bed. Which broke my heart completely, he loves his bed, you normally just have to say 'bedtime' to him and he'd run eagerly to his bed and hop in and get settled. Thankfully now we're almost back to normal.
I started on Slimming World 2 weeks ago, and I have lost 10lbs so far. What an utterly mental diet it is, I can eat pretty much everything, just cut down on my bread and cheese and junk food intake.
I was so excited about fitting into my skinny jeans, but no one prepares you for what to do when your skinny jeans get too big! Desperately want to go clothes shopping, but going to wait until I've hit my target weight (only 5lbs away now!) before I do that I think!
T's at a stage in his converstational skills now where he can point out how stupid I am, we have started watching Ice Age approximately 9000 times a day, he shouts 'THERE'S A SQUIRREL!' as soon as it starts, to amuse myself I said 'that's not a squirrel, that's a banana' T looks at me, storms over to the fruit bowl, grabs a banana and says 'no Mammy this is a banana, THAT'S a squirrel.'
Fair enough.
Which brings me possibly to the point of my blog: Ice Age.
Having watched this so many times (1 and 2) I have some irks with it.
1. The bloody mother of the adorable child, why doesn't she pull herself out of the river, or at least wait for Manny to do it? I appreciate they would have had to have a whole other storyline for the film, but seriously, she just gives her baby to a wooly mammoth and a sloth and then drowns herself?!
2. She is the ONLY woman in that tribe, are we so sure that the man that gets the baby at the end is in fact the childs father? What future could they possibly give to him?! We'll save you and bring you up and then we'll all die and you'll be on your own, would have been better to leave him with the animals I think.
3. In Ice Age 2, as one of the Opossums gets thrown through the air, he sings 'I believe I can fly' as an adult I'm intrigued to know where the copywright for this lies, are we to believe that billions of years ago an Opossum made it up and R-Kelly stole this?! Or in fact that this is all staged and that they have infact got access to a radio.
4. Falling....when Manny falls into the 'river of lava' but gets spat back out again, he falls from a very great height onto some fairly solid ice, and isn't even a little bit injured, whereas Diago gets bashed against a rock and we are led to believe that he is dead. Sid gets kicked headfirst into a rock and is fine, Scrat, bashes his head very hard off of a palm tree in frustration. This is just teaching my child that falling and bashing heads does not hurt, a fact he discovered on what I fondly call 'Suicide Thursday' he discovered to be false. 3 MAJOR wipeouts in as many hours....anyway I digress.
5.The child only has 1 nappy change in what I can work out to be about 36 hours, and eats 1 bit of watermelon, and only cries when he's bored?!
6. When Sid changes the nappy he throws it in Mannys face, yet one is miraculously still on the baby, DID HE HAVE A F***ING CHANGING BAG WITH HIM!?
Ah hem
Oh look I found a subject!

1 comment:

  1. This cracked me up!
    Glad you've updated us and hope little one stays well ! Nothing worse than when they're poorly xx
