Monday 29 April 2013

Tough Time

Well I haven't blogged in a while because I've been very busy and having a tough time.

Regular readers will know that I had problems just after T was born, I was diagnosed with PND but I think I was misdiagnosed and that I had PMDD. Anyways I seemed to manage to get this all under control but for the last few months I've felt it creeping back.

T's not been helping.

His routine seems to have changed and I'm not sure how or why.

We let his bedtime slip a little for a week or two. He usually is in his room having his stories read by 7pm, but it had slipped back to 8pm.

Then his naps seem to have stopped. He's always napped 10 - 12, I know this is unusual for his age, but he always slept so it never seemed a problem.

Then he started to just babble when I put him down, so I thought maybe we should be switching to afternoon naps, some days they work and some days they don't.

It's very frustrating, he's usually such an angel, and I know I'm so lucky. But I think it makes it a billion times worse when he plays up.

His behaviour has changed a lot with the change in sleep. He pushed a girl over at toddler gym last week, and snatched a toy off of another boy. He always used to wait his turn.

Today we went to Toddler sign language, which he adores, but he screamed and kicked off from the minute we got in there, and just sat on my knee sobbing and screaming 'I WANT TO GO HOME!!!' over and over and over.

It's moments like that I think 'is he ill? Is he tired? Do I take him home? If I take him home will that be me giving him too much power? If I keep him in the class will he hate it more the next time?'

All those thoughts circling round wear me out mentally, and then I'm not even getting my usual 1 or 2 hours a day whilst he naps to get my head back together.

So maybe it's not PMDD maybe I'm just mentally exhausted and it was just a coincidence that it tied in with 'that time'

*Huge sigh*

On a more positive note, he's picked up a lot of his sign language, his counting is coming on really well, we're almost up to 30. He's started writing letters:

Can you see his a,b and c??!

We've had lots of lovely time playing in the garden, just bought him the most MENTAL bubble machine! Will try and get some pics of that in action.

He's planted some seeds to help Daddy grow some veg, and learned how to look for worms, and then feed them to the chickens!

*......I think he's gone to sleep!.....*

Going to make him a weekly activity board, so he knows what to expect from each day when he gets up, and turn it into a reward chart as well so if he completes an activity without being naughty he gets a smiley face, then when he gets x amount of smiley faces he can have a treat, or something along those lines.

Right then lovely people, I'm off to take advantage of him actually napping and going to have a nice hot cup of coffee!

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