Friday 17 May 2013

Our Home

After some chit chat on Twitter last night about decorating ideas for bedrooms/bathrooms, I decided to take you on a tour of our home. I'm very proud of it!

When Hubby lived here with Daughter before he met me, it was all magnolia paint and chocolate brown skirting boards, the dining room was a storage room, the kitchen had some mega trippy wallpaper, the bathroom was half tiled, the toilet was yellow. The garden was just grass and bushes.

We've worked very hard the last 3 years to turn it into a home and this is what it is now.

The Front Room:

I love the green on the feature wall! It brightens the whole room up, the silver touches give it a modern edge as does the black, it maintains a coziness on an evening which is important to me!

Our Bedroom: 

Everything is cream, very simple, very classic. With brown/gold touches to make it feel very natural. I find it very soothing and clean!

The Hallway:

Brilliant white as our house is very dark and quite small, the mirrors are placed to reflect as much light as possible to brighten it up and trick the eye into thinking its bigger!

T's Room:

I appreciate it looks a bit manic! I love this green, I find it calming, clean and refreshing. We decorated mostly with vinyl wall stickers (may have gone overboard!) the great thing in my eyes is it can always be refreshed with new stickers!

The Dining Room:

One of the darkest rooms in the house! But feels huge since we went with the brilliant white and took the door off. Went for a British theme so there's lots of red in there too.

The Kitchen: 

The kitchens not quite as I'd like it yet, we live in a council house, so I don't want to invest in worktops and the likes until we've bought the house. I've done the best I can with it, tried to go for a vintage feel but it's been difficult!!

The Bathroom: 

Another dark room. I went for the glossy black and white to open it up as its a very small bathroom! I love the freshness of the black and white. I've gone for the turquoise to make it a bit sophisticated, and if I feel the need to redecorate it I just change the colour of the accessories!

The Toilet: 

The toilet is literally just big enough for the loo. I went from the yellow to just brilliant white but that made it feel huge and cold! So we got some of our favourite pics and plastered them all over the walls. The back of the toilet door is a collage of beer mats my father in law collected. Good to read through when you're in there a while!

The Garden:

So much time and effort has gone into our garden (from my Hubby's part) we absolute love it, it's still not fully finished, we change our minds about things a lot and adapt it depending on our needs! 

So I hope you enjoyed the tour and for those who asked I hope you got some inspiration!! 

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