Thursday 16 May 2013


Yep that title just about sums up my brain at the moment.

I'm currently in a lot of pain.

I have problems with my left wrist which just feels like my wrist has a really bad migraine, my left foot which feels like it's being crushed. My lower back feels like its so stiff and achy and I have sciatica on both sides.

This has been the case for a year now. I've seen about 8 different physios, have had x rays and ultrasound scans all which have shown no problem, which is good news, but still doesn't explain the pain. I've had lots of different diagnosis, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, a loose pelvis, arthritis... you name it. But when it's come to proving them they've all been negative.

The arthritis always crops up. I've suffered joint pain and swelling for about 10 years now, both my oldest sisters suffer badly, one has Rheumatoid and the other has Relapsing Polychondritis (Arthritis of the cartilage) All my blood work has come back negative for the specific arthritis tests, but the none specific ones have always come back showing inflammation....everytime, so there's obviously something not right.

The one thing they keep telling me is that I'm very Hypermobile. But this has always been stated as a fact, like 'you have legs'. I've never been advised how to deal with it, or told that it can cause pain.

So the latest diagnosis is that I have a herniated disc which is causing my back and foot pain, I have an MRI scan tomorrow to see if that's the case. Got to wait a few weeks for the results for that. But that doesn't explain my wrist pain. I'm currently having to wear a wrist splint during the night as that lessens the pain somewhat.

So I'm a bit fed up with all of that and just felt the need to moan about it.

Lets talk about T and reward charts.

T is usually a little angel, I've never really had to deal with him being naughty or temper tantrums thankfully.

We introduced 2 reward charts last week. One was an hourly breakdown of his day, if he behaves well for each hour/activity he gets a smiley face, if he's naughty he gets a cross.

The other one was introduced to cut down on how often he gets treats. So if he goes above and beyond, eg tidys his toys away as soon as being asked without complaining, saying please and thank you without being prompted, he gets a star, when he gets 10 stars he gets a treat.

This worked fabulously until he decided he likes crosses on his day chart. So he's start being naughty and we'd say 'uh oh if you're naughty that means we'll have to go and put a cross on your chart' with which his face would light up and go 'yes a naughty cross'  ummmm, pants that didn't work.

After some pretend horror on our part, and just how naughty he must be to want a naughty cross, he reluctantly changes his mind, cries and says 'no, T want a happy face' (along with the sign for happy, am most pleased with how his signing is coming on!)

Same now goes for stars, 'If you're a good boy and do this today for Mammy, then you can have a star' now gets the reply 'Ummm no, T no want stars' (said with utter disgust)

Ok so think this idea needs to be scrapped, I've never heard of reverse effects with reward charts!

I am unsettled about today, I told him our activities for the day as I always do on a morning.

'we're going to watch some CBeebies, then you'll have a little sleep, then when you wake up D and J will be here, then we'll all come to gymnastics, then we'll go home and play, then we're going out with (names allllll the family members) for tea as it's R's birthday'

T thought about this for a while and then said 'Nope, T's going to be naughty today, lots of naughty crosses for T' and then 'No sticks (gymnastics) for T, want to stay at home and be naughty'

Er right!

I don't think we should have introduced the cause and effect of being naughty when he was being so good, it obviously seems such an exciting new thing, DAMMIT!

Also, T learned the signs for being poorly on Monday, so every day we get a run down of what hurts (hair, eyes, ears, teeth, mouth, tongue, legs, arms, elbows, toes, fingers....) and then he says he needs to go to the Drs.

Highly amusing, but not going to be helpful when he's actually ill I fear!

The joys of raising a drama queen.

To prove this I'll leave you with a conversation I overheard between him and the Hubby the other day:

T ' Daddy, new batteries please'
H ' Ah, that ones broken, it can't have batteries in it, you'll just have to pretend'
T *silent for a few seconds, and then screams in utter dismay* 'BUT DADDY, WHAT WE GONNA DOOOOO?!'

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